As I will continue to say in my articles….the $35 million dollar effluent pipeline , corporate welfare deal , is a developer expense and Storey County should not burden itself or its residents with  debt to pay for Lance Gilman and Roger Norman’s expenses.

Storey County has paid for numerous non standard developer expenses in the past, Storey  leadership has gotten Lance Gilman property out of Washoe County so he can build on it, Storey leadership has  created a “fast track” process so that he can build fast and without encumbrances, now Storey leadership wants to saddle you with the bill to build this pipeline for him.

Below is a recent article

By Sam Toll, Editor,

The Governors Office of Economic Development’s (GOED) board meets in mid-November and the agenda contains an item that will consider GOED’s effort to build an effluent pipeline from Sparks to the Tahoe-Reno Industrial Center (TRIC). Once built and fully deployed, this pipeline will carry 3.7 million gallons a day of effluent to thirsty server farms installed at Switch and those expected at Google.

The pipeline will be financed by a bond floated with the help GOED and SB1, a bill originally intended to help now defunct Faraday Futures and the APEX business park in Southern Nevada. The proposed pipeline will encumber both State of Nevada and Storey County Taxpayers with a $35 Million bond. The bond touted as an innovative public-private partnership, will augment TRIC’s General Improvement District’s (TRIC-GID) $30 Million loans for improvement to their existing water treatment facility to process the new inflow.

You can find the full article below:

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