By Nicole Barde

The special meeting was called in order to canvas the vote and if the recall succeeded to select a temporary interim Sheriff until the interim Sheriff could be selected.

All three Commissioners, Pat Whitten and DA Langer were there. It started at 10 AM and was done before 10:15. It was cut and dry, no conversation, just the numbers.

During public comment I got up and thanked Marshall for not signing the recall petition and told him that I hoped that it was because he had put the community first.

Nuff said there.

Anyway, the detail of the voting by precinct can be found here.

In Summary here is how the communities in the 5 major precincts voted:

                              Voters                                 FOR recall                           AGAINST Recall

VC/GH                    449                                    208                                      240       

Mark Twain           222                                    84                                       138

VCH                        556                                    219                                     337

Riverdist               235                                    80                                         155                       

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