By Nicole Barde

Storey County is a county known as business friendly because we fast track (short cut) our processes. Storey County is here to help the TRI developer ( Lance Gilman ) get his land rezoned so he can sell it and make his money more easily. County managment is here to help businesses get in and get going fast. Yep, our county Ordinance , written and approved by county management, short cut liquor license process worked out so well. 

This week’s agenda only had three agenda items but the meeting lasted about three hours.  County Manager Pat Whitten’s summary of the meeting is at the end of this article.

Much of the time was spent in staff updates and the quarterly budget updates.  Recorder Jen Chapman gave a summary of how the new federal loan protection rules are affecting the recorder’s office. Needless to say it has created a great deal of extra work as well as severe fines if any of the requirements are not met. Our federal government helping again.

County Manager reported that the county will be purchasing yet another parking lot.

The budget updates showed two things. The first is that the majority of departments are at or near where they should be in their budgets with 25% of their budgets being spent. Those who are outside of that report that overtime is pushing many of those numbers and that because “business is booming” in TRI, dispatch, the recorder, sheriffs and fire departments are all under pressure to meet those needs. The question came up about adding to staff and Pat Whitten said that we’ll run with overtime for now and assess the long term need.  It’s more expensive to add to headcount. This makes sense as long as the people don’t burn out.  

Deny Dotson, VCTC, reported that his revenue budget will likely see a dip due to the loss of gaming revenue from the closure of the Delta and Bonanza. This means he’ll continue eating into the ever shrinking VCTC general fund.

Revenues to the county overall are on track and over last year’s numbers.

Cherie Nevin Community Services Coordinator presented an overview of the State of Nevada Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program for the coming year. It is a requirement of the grant process that there be three public informational meetings to describe the specifics and to allow for public comment on what types of programs or projects should be considered for submission.  You can find the summary in the agenda packet.  The agenda action report states that this is the first of a series of meetings for public comment to be heard.  Commissioner Jack McGuffey asked Cherie if these funds could be used to build a community center in the Highlands and was told no.

After Cherie had finished with her presentation I raised my hand and got up to make some comments and ask a few questions and was not allowed to do so by Commission Chair Marshall McBride. I asked if there was going to be public comment allowed on this item and he said no, it was discussion only.

Given that this presentation/meeting for public comment was incorrectly advertised for Monday the 19th to begin with and given that no public comment was allowed in this commission meeting I will assume that there will be three actual public comment meetings in the future since this one clearly did not allow for it.

The CDBG program is a great program for us all and is aimed at:

               -The development of suitable living environments

               -providing decent housing

               -creation of economic opportunities in rural parts of the state

Projects are aimed at:

               -benefitting low to moderate income households or persons

               -elimination of slums and blight

               -meeting an urgent community development need

To date only the Lockwood community qualifies under the low to moderate income criteria. There is an income survey currently ongoing in Mark Twain to help that community to qualify as well. Hopefully people will submit those surveys quickly. 

Some of the projects that Storey County has had funded in the past are : the kitchen at the VC Senior Center, VC swimming pool ADA upgrades, VC Water and Sewer masterplan, VC Wastewater Reconstruction, VC Gold Hill sewer system upgrades and Canyon GID reconstruction phase 2  among others. As you can see most are centered in VC. That is why it’s important that the Mark Twain residents get the income survey in so they can also get some of these funds.

I privately asked Cherie if the Highlands would qualify for funds to do a comprehensive water survey to determine where we stand currently and in the future. Altho we don’t qualify based on low income I believe we could based on the potential for a “ blighted area” if we continue to run dry on wells. I think this study would go a long way to help us determine if we need to start looking at corrective actions including forming a GID if the problem is severe.

The next item to be discussed was the second reading of an ordinance to amend Storey County’s building and zoning codes. Title 17 to be exact.  This was quite detailed and very thorough.  There were lots of changes so you may want to look over what was changed in the attached agenda packet.

 The final agenda item was the second reading of an ordinance to allow a rezoning of TRI to include a classification for Industrial-Commercial.  This IC designation would allow for certain mixed use industrial and commercial uses. Specifically to allow large scale casinos, car dealerships, stores and other commercial entities to co-locate.  The specific area being discussed is the TRI parcel that Storey County got from Washoe County for Lance Gilman in 2014. Commissioner Gilman recused himself from the actual public vote since this involves TRI. Ironic.

The thing that was unusual about this vote was that the Commissioners approved this against the recommendation of the planning commission.  The Planning Commission voted to approve the changes but to require casinos to get a SUP. The SUP would add time and protections to the building process. Pat Whitten’s staff recommendation was to approve the ordinance without any SUP requirements for the casinos. He specifically stated that they did not want to make it difficult for the businesses or the developer (AKA Lance Gilman). He further stated that the County wants to incentivize rapid development and help the developer (AKA Lance Gilman) thru pre-approved and pre-planned use. Nice.


It HELPS that the developer is also a county commissioner.

It will be interesting to see who else benefits personally, besides Lance Gilman, with these changes.

To his credit Jack McGuffey asked questions about businesses who might produce or store chemicals or toxic products and the possible negative environmental impact since this is close to the river. He was basically told that won’t happen. We’ll see.

 Pat Whitten went on to say that the county is known as a business friendly county. That is because we can expedite and fast track ( aka short cut)  the processes to help businesses get going fast. Well, we just saw what a fast track liquor license process let into the county and the pain it has caused people. Because of our loose applicant and background check requirements, our fast track process did not uncover Vincent Malfitano’s past financial issues and people lost jobs. I have to wonder what else our other short cut  processes missed, will miss in the future and  will let in ?


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Highlights are distributed on behalf of Pat Whitten, Storey County Manager. You are receiving this update as a subscriber to Storey County news and alerts in an effort to keep you informed of the activities of the Storey County Commission meetings as well as Storey County happenings.

Big congratulations to the 8th grade Lady Comstockers on winning their League championship. Way to keep the Comstock pride going. 
Storey County led a hazardous materials exercise at the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center. The Quad County Haz-Mat response teams included Carson City and Douglas and Lyon counties. 
The Great Shakeout Earthquake awareness and preparedness event was a success. County staff participated in the exercise and encourage residents to think about earthquake safety.


Mark Twain residents are urged to complete and return the income surveys recently mailed from Storey County. Response to the survey is not mandatory but is appreciated. At this time 56 additional responses are needed in order to validate the survey. The surveys are returned and tabluated by the University of Nevada Reno and helps in qualifying the area for federal grants and loan programs. The deadline is October 31.

The Planning Department announced that a program has been started to develop improvements for mitigation of flooding in the Mark Twain area.

A live auction of the Hoover Estate items will be Saturday, October 24 at 270 E. Washington St. A preliminary viewing of items is at 8 a.m. with the auction beginning at 9 a.m.

The Public Works Department has done a great job in painting limit stop signs on the street enabling motorists to be aware of stop signs that may otherwise be difficult to see.

The Board discussed possible Community Development Block Grant projects for 2016.  Eligible CDBG projects include housing rehabilitation programs, public facility and public improvements projects, public service programs, planning studies, economic development business assistance and microenterprise activities. Eligible activities paid for with the state CDBG funds must meet one or more of the three national objectives listed in CDBG federal statutes as follows: benefit to low income households or persons; elimination of slums and blight; or meeting urgent community development need. Please submit ideas for possible projects by November 4 to Cherie Nevin at 774-847-0986 or contact via email at



Passed Ordinance No. 15-269 amending text of Storey County Code Title 17 by adding a chapter 17.39 IC Industrial-Commercial Zone.

Passed Ordinance No. 15.268 amending Storey County Code Title 17 Zoning.

Approved 15 new business licenses:
• Rock Rad Adventures, LLC
• Maverick Technologies, LLC
• Papa Fred’s Food (DBA)
• Precision Concrete
• Reliable Plumbing
• Duke’s Plumbing
• Family Landscape Maintenance
• NV Commercial Coatings, LLC
• Farwest Insulation
• Midwest Recycling SVC & Sales, Inc.
• Title Alliance, Inc.
• Petro Solutions
• Platinum Scaffolding Services
• M G & H Consulting, LTD



Flu shots, October 21 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Mark Twain Community Center. 

V&T Day out with Thomas, Thomas the Train, October 23-25, October 30-31 and November 1  

Governor’s Ball, October 24

Nevada Health Center Open House, October 28 from 1 p.m. to to 4 p.m. Meet the attending physician’s assistant.

Goblin Parade, October 31

Haunting of the Opera House presented by Cemetery Gin, October 31

The annual Health Fair will be held November 7 at Piper’s Opera House from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. 20 exhibitors, flu, pneumonia and possibly shingles, shots will be available.

Flu Shot Clinics are scheduled for November 14 – 21. More details will be provided in fall.

County Christmas Party, December 11 at Piper’s Opera House. Food and beverages will be served and the party is open to all residents.




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If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by email or by phone at 775-847-0968.


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  Storey County
26 South B Street
Virginia City, NV 89440

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