There is a Board Workshop on May 8th at 1pm at the high school training room to discuss numerous items including capital projects. All interested parties should attend.

The District secured grants to hire a Full-time Literacy Specialist and a Professional Development Coordinator.

Baseball and softball seasons have started!

By Sharon Snell

All Board members were present. After opening routines, consent items approved included paying warrants, March Board meeting minutes, and the Third Quarter Class Size Reduction Report.

Reports and Presentations

Supt. Todd Hess started his report with announcements of upcoming openings in the District. Mr. Ted Martinez, P.E. and technology teacher is leaving to make a career change.

Thanks to the arrival of Grant monies the District will hire a full-time Literacy Specialist and a Professional Development Coordinator.

Todd announced the likelihood of health insurance costs going down with the new coverage.

Todd introduced Deputy Harry Schroeder, current District Resource officer, and father of a first grader.

The next part of the meeting gave recognition to important District programs lead by two talented Storey County teachers. The first of these informative presentations started with high school music teacher Amanda Eddy introducing Honor Choir selectees who were present. The students individually thanked the Board for supporting the Honor Choir experience and told what the participation meant to them. One of the students played a recording of a very moving song performed by the 200 plus Honor Choir students at the State event. Beautiful!!

The second presentation began with the introduction of Crystal Pickett, teacher for the Gifted and Talented Programs at the elementary and middle schools. Attending with Ms. Pickett were 4 students from Gallagher who participate in the program. Using PowerPoint, the third and fourth graders explained what they do twice a week during their sessions with Ms. Pickett. They’re clearly enthusiastic about the activities. To name just a few, the students participate in setting goals, thinking games, writing and making presentations, and re-evaluating plans.

All Board Members complimented Amanda Eddy and Crystal Pickett on their successful programs as well as their students for their accomplishments and the work done on their presentations.

Tom Thompson commented that baseball and softball seasons have started. Colleen Conely reminded everyone track has also begun.

The last presentation came from Marty Johnson from JNA Consulting. His firm advises on potential for funding Capital Projects. With the financial health of the School District looking better, there is some reason for optimism about planning for future needs. This topic may be part of discussions during the scheduled Board Workshop, May 8th at 1pm at the high school training room. The Workshop is open to interested community members.

New Business

The following items were opened for discussion and approved: Gifted and Talented Trip to Six Flags Education Day, a Revised 2019-2020 School Calendar, New School Board Protocols, New Format for District Policies, and the 2019-2020 Tentative Budget. A Review of the Jumpstart Contract was continued until the next scheduled Board meeting.

The next Storey County School Board meeting is set for May 22, 2019, at 5:30pm at HILLSIDE ELEMENTARY.  School Board Meeting Packets, agendas, minutes, and a meeting schedule can be found on the Storey County School District website in the pull-down menu under Departments or Community.

2 thoughts on “Storey County School Board Highlights April 10, 2019

  1. Please make correction~school board meeting on May 22nd will be held at Hillside Elementy at 5:30.~

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