By Sharon Snell

There were 3 meetings held in May. The primary topics centred around future negotiation items (discussed in a closed session), Todd Hess and the evolving superintendent evaluation form, and the 2018-2019 budget.

Jim Huge, Board Consultant, led a discussion regarding the Superintendent Evaluation form. From that discussion came concerns and suggestions. Mr. Huge agreed to look into the idea of a 360 Evaluation form. The 2018-2019 Budget Hearing was held on May 24th and was tentatively approved by the Board. Both an Augmented 2017-2018 Budget and the 2018-2019 Final Budget were approved on June 7th. Discussions on salary adjustments for classified, certificated employees and exempt employees took place on June 7th. The Board approved the adjustments. Another discussion followed regarding an adjustment to Supt. Hess’s salary. A motion was approved giving Jim Huge and Todd Hess the right to negotiate as page one of his contract presented not exceed $161,000. On July 11th Supt. Hess’s contract was extended. It was noted that Todd met or exceeded all his goals and was commended for putting Staff members first. An update on Safety Committees members was approved. Gary Hames will no longer sit on the Safety Committee but will be added to the Tech Committee.

All Board members commented on how much they enjoyed the Graduation Ceremonies they attended. As the school year was ending, Todd Hess and individual Board members recognized a number of people for their contributions. The following is a summary of the people and programs mentioned.

*Oasis Technology serving the District with a much improved and well-accepted tech service

*109 Comstock Ladies donating over $25,000 to date to different District groups

*Kristen Chandler receiving the Silver Syringe Award (100% compliant with the immunization program)

*New teacher to Storey County Crystal Pickett leading the Gifted and Talented Program

*Lockwood resident Willie Knox providing backpacks for Hillside students year after year

*Larry Huddleston and Dan Hall leading the successful Hillside archery team

*Amanda Eddy growing our music programs and playing a big part in graduation ceremonies

*Lindsay Wells directing successful high school drama productions

*Coaches and assistants at all levels for the time and dedication given to their athletes

*Graduates at all levels some sporting high GPAs, the growing number in the High School Honor Society, and some of our brightest students accepting the challenges of the Jump Start Program

*Esme Venegas working and supporting our Cheer Squad at Cheer Camp

At the July 11th meeting Supt. Hess announced the retirement of Doug Bacus, Maintenance Director, and a revamping of the department. Todd also reported that the new Southeast Connector will shorten the bus route from Lockwood and would improve fuel costs. Todd’s report introduced the idea of Player/Parent Contracts. The contract would lay out standards of behavior for our students and families when attending events on our campuses or visiting away campuses. Input followed as all Board Members were in favor of pursuing the idea. Todd also announced receiving a new grant for more than $69,000. These funds are part of the Nevada New Teacher Project. They will be used for teacher training, STEM curriculum, and afford the District the opportunity to hire a social worker that would partner with Community Chest. The next Board Meeting will be held on Aug. 29th in the training room at VC High School at 5pm.





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