
I am an advocate of free speech and I exercise that right frequently and often. It is the only exercise which I seem to be able to stick with. I will report on events and share that information. I will provide information, context and history on items discussed in the various meetings I attend in Storey County from a perspective not typically reported on by the existing papers. The blog will contain summaries of the meetings I attend along with source documents of those meetings and my opinion. If you attend a meeting and would like to publish a summary of it send it to me.

The layout of the blog is based on the type of meeting being reported on or editorials written by me or submitted. I will also occasionally cross post items from other sources that I feel will be of interest.

If you are offended by anything on this blog, don’t blame me. Remember you’re the one who decided to read it…. immediately avert your gaze and just back away from the blog.


“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”
Edmund Burke