The Storey Teller Online has an excellent article on the most recent activity by the County Commission to start work on a property tax rollback. They are doing this because Brothel Owner, TRI Principal and County Commissioner Lance Gilman stated in his 2014 Christmas letter :

 Property Tax Reduction. Given our new economic prosperity, at the last County Commission meeting of the year, the Commission supported and allowed me to propose a full evaluation by County staff for reducing property taxes. The massive near term new capital investments from incoming companies coming into our County tax base should allow us to benefit all with lower county taxes.

Problem is that nothing happened on that 2014 promise or the other similar promises to come up with a plan and  solid actions to actually do it …..and here we are with yet another promise . Do we believe them THIS time? 



The Storey Teller Online’s Editor Sam Toll has done an excellent job of providing some history and the current status on this issue…you can read it HERE


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